Group Buying Coupon Code Usage Instructions: |
If you have a Groupon, Living Social, Kijiji, TeamBuy, TeamSave, Wagjag or similar Group Buying coupon, please follow the instructions below to place your order online.
Step 1: Upload your digital photo(s) online. This may take a few minutes: Picture Upload Form
Step 2: Visit the "My Uploads" page and select one of the products/services under each photo.
Step 3: Select thefinal print size, details, optional effects and quantity.
We display standard sizes based on your photo's aspect ratio, but you may enter a custom size if you don't see your preferred size. In most cases, selecting a custom size means cropping the photo. We will send you a digital proof if cropping is required.
Add your selections to the shopping cart.
Repeat steps 1-3 if you have multiple photos.
Step 4: Check out; you will need to register if you are a new customer, or log in if you are a returning customer. Once registered or logged in, you can continue to the "Next Step."
A- Enter your discount coupon code and select "Submit Code" to see the discounts
B- Select Shipping method
C- Select Payment method
D- Place your order online
The system may automatically apply shipping fees and taxes based on coupon code details.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Group Buying FAQs: |
Q1 : Can I apply the coupon amount to two or more smaller canvases? Unfortunately, no. You may order larger canvas sizes and pay the difference, but not smaller sizes.
Q2 : Can I get an extension on my Coupon Code? As a policy, we do not extend Coupon Codes. Your Coupon Code is good for the full value for the date specified. Please see the Terms and Conditions for more details.
Q3 : Can I order other products like fine art prints or Plaque mountings with my coupon? It depends on the coupon code. Please review your coupon code's offer details.
Q4 : Can I use two or more vouchers toward one purchase? Yes, but you need to order one canvas print for each coupon. For example, if you have three coupon codes, you need to have three canvas frames in your purchase.
The checkout process allows you to put in only one coupon code per order. Please select Check as payment method, and provide the other coupon codes in the Order Note section so we can apply them manually. We will send you an updated invoice by email for further review. If the coupon code does not cover shipping charges, multiple shipping charges will be applied if you use multiple coupon codes, due to the larger package size and weight.
Q5 : Is it possible to apply the credit to a larger canvas? Yes, You can absolutely use your voucher towards a larger canvas and pay the difference if you’d like. Please note, the value of multiple coupon codes cannot be combined for a larger canvas print size, only one coupon can be used per canvas print.
Q6 : I have an expired voucher/ coupon code. What should I do? Vouchers have two separate values:
(a) the “amount paid” and
(b) the promotional value”.
The “promotional value” is the additional value beyond the amount paid. Together, the amount paid and the promotional value equals the “full offer value” of the voucher. For example, if you pay $20 for a voucher that gets you $50 of goods or services from a Merchant, the full offer value is $50 and the amount paid is $20, and the promotional value is $30 (this amount expires on the date stated on the voucher.). The amount paid (in this case, $20) will never expire. If you would like to use the “amount paid” value of an expired coupon code, simply enter the coupon code at checkout and you will see the “amount paid” value listed as the “pre-paid amount” in the next step of the checkout. |
If you don't find the answer you're looking for here, please contact us. |
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